Friday, March 14th at 6pm

McGaugh Elementary Auditorium





Wednesday, March 12th from 1:30- 3pm in the Hopkinson MPR



Email a picture of your costume or bring costume to the dress rehearsal for approval.



If using music, e-mail anedited MP3/4 that's been cut to the appropriate length by Mar. 2nd  

  • Solo acts are 60 seconds
  • Group acts are 90 seconds (two or more students

All proceeds benefit 5th Grade Leadership Council and provide scholarships for the 4th Grade Sacramento trip!   



Want PTA To Download and Cut Your MP3/4 File?

Purchase this service for $5 per file





Professional Keepsake Photos of Your Husky!

By Danielle & Deanne Photography







Ticket Sales & Flower Bouquets


Tickets will go on Monday, February 27th at 7pm. On the night of the show, doors will open at 5:45pm and the show will begin promptly at 6pm.


Flower bouquets may be picked up on the day of the talent show in front of the McGaugh auditorium beginning at 5:30pm. There will be a limited supply of flowers available for purchase at the show, so to ensure your Husky gets a bouquet, please purchase online. 






Seating Chart of McGaugh Auditorium



Map of VIP Parking



 Before purchasing tickets, please take a minute to read over the ordering instructions. When you're ready to purchase tickets, click on the link below.



Any questions regarding the talent show can be sent to our chair, Evan King at:
