HUSKIES READ! is our Hopkinson PTA program designed and created to encourage our children to develop a love of reading and to share their favorite books with other students in the form of a book review. The review is different from a book report in that it is designed to spark interest in the book, not a report on the whole story. We would love for all students to participate, however this program is completely voluntary.
Here is how the program works:
- Students will write her or his review on the book review form and turn it in to his or her teacher or to the school office where there is a collection box.
- The book review forms are available here on the Hopkinson PTA website or at the school, either in the classroom or in the school office.
- For TK & Kindergarten, please use the form that has a space to draw a picture about the story.
- For First grade, please use the written review form that has larger lines.
- All other grades can use the form that provides for a written review only.
- Book reviews will be collected on the dates below.
- NEW THIS YEAR: Every student who turns in a Huskies Read book review will receive $5 in Scholastic Dollars to be used at our school’s book fair in the spring!
- Lucky students in each grade whose reviews are randomly selected will be awarded $10 in Scholastic Dollars to be used at our school’s book fair, and be featured on the PTA bulletin board outside the main office.
- We will also continue to work with the Hopkinson Media Center to add books that receive great reviews to our Hopkinson school library!
Collection Dates:
October 3, November 7, December 5, February 6, March 6
We hope our huskies develop a love of reading that will continue to grow as they continue to grow!
Huskies Read Book Review Forms: